Saturday 12 October 2013

Iran & Israel: Ancient and Inevitable foes ? Maybe not !

If any of our mainstream news organisations (such as BBC News) are to be believed - there is an ongoing threat of war between these two significant middle eastern countries consistently portrayed as 'ancient and implacable foes'.

This is usually explained as being due to Iran's ruling elite being a gang of 'mad mullahs' insane islamic anti-semitic extremists hell bent on the destruction of Israel, with a proven historical record of hostility to the state of Israel.

But is this in fact the whole or accurate truth ? In an insightful TED talk, Trita Parsi examines the actual historical record of the relations between these two nations and peoples - a history that is consistently ignored and mis-represented by mainstream media reporting that claims to be 'impartial and accurate' such as BBC news.

The actual historical record describes a far more interesting, complex and even rational relationship between these two alleged 'implacable foes' which the mainstream media appears to be utterly uninterested in reporting to us. Based on this more balanced and accurate historical record, Parsi is i think convincing in arguing that despite current tensions - there is in fact much potential for improved relations between these two nations. This apparently radical view is backed up by the (virtually never reported) fact that Iran & Israel have in fact co-operated in several areas including intelligence gathering and the supply of weapons parts until relatively recently ! (pre the recent gulf wars).

One could reasonably ask of course, what possible motivation do news organisations have for distorting the truth and historical record in this way ?

We can only speculate of course.... but consider this.....which news headline are people more likely to feel compelled to read....a simple, brazen headline alerting us to 'Mad Mullahs threatening imminent war and destruction in the middle east' or a more balanced, accurate and considered analysis of the interests and objectives of all participants in the context of an unbiased historical account that could be a bit more embarrassing for western governments while yet offering some hope ?

Are human beings more motivated by fear and bias, than by hope and honesty ?

Most media organisations seem to have made their minds up as to which one of these they believe - but perhaps its still up to us, which one of these we choose to believe in.

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